About Me

This blog was created to keep track of my goals and ideas I have in relation to the stock market. Also, randomly I’ll use this as a regular blog to post about my feelings and ideas regarding achieving my financial goals.

Writing out my thoughts and ideas will help me to keep track of what I want to do and keep me focused on my goal towards financial freedom.

A little about myself, I graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a Diploma with Merit in Banking and Financial Services with a CGPA of 3.953/4. Served the National Services (NS) in the Commando Battalion and graduated from Nanyang Business School (NTU) specialising in Banking and Finance with First Class Honours.

My goal is to become an Asset Fund Manager with a portfolio size of $100m.

You can read more about my dreams here: My SGD$34M Dream

And if by any chance you are interested in what I do in Commandos (You’ll spot me if you look close enough!): CNA 12-Part Commandos Documentary

I was featured on CNBC on the importance of financial education: Why Financial Education For Youths Is Critical – CNBC

I co-founded The Little Snowball: The Little Snowball

Also, I’m used to be a freelance writer on MoneyDigest.sg.


I’m a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki and I’m developing a passive income portfolio based on his teachings on cash flows, debts, etc. I would highly recommend anyone who is interested in their own finances to read his books. If you’re interested, drop me an e-mail at aloysius.LBD@gmail.com. I would be glad to share with you my collection of e-books!

13 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Very impressed with your blog… also your efforts to achieve goals … I am sure financial institutions already have you in their radar..


  2. Hi Aloysius,

    I have a small section dedicated to alternative income as well on my blog. Alternative income is definitely possible if you wanna score a couple dollars here and there. Got a few decent survey sites, or you can try mystery shopping (weekend gigs). Travel Smart Rewards spin game can earn cash rewards directly credited into your bank account – just need to refer friends to earn points. When you feel you have enough viewership you can try paid hosting for ad revenue. Low price of only about $3 per month for first year to “test water” if you can find a cheap host.

    All the best!


    1. Hi TI,
      Took a read on your Alternative Income section and I am impressed with the money you made from Adsense! I’m already doing surveys and doing the spin game as of now so I think I’ll give the mystery shopping a try! I’ll look up on your posts on mystery shopping when I’m back in Singapore and give it a try! 🙂
      On ad revenue I think my readership isn’t quite there yet but I will definitely consider when my viewership increase! I have some worries about hosting my own website because I don’t quite know how different it would be from WordPress, but I’ll research more into it! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with me some alternative income strategies!

      Aloysius Lee


  3. You have a good starting position to be in, getting into a good school, have a good amount of wealth fund for a start. Wish you all the best in your financial journey.


  4. Hey ! Stumbled upon ur blog from teen investor and oh my ur blog is amazing ! I’m from 1st CDO alpha 5/6 and u shd be from bravo 3/4 right ?? Haha hope to bumb into u one day and perhaps u could explain to me more about investing. 🙂


    1. Hey Zhenwei! Haha nice to meet you, yup I’m from B3/4! All the best for the upcoming 72! Survive that and you can probably survive anything 😂 Sure thing, would love to get to know you more as well! 🙂


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